Lowest Price on all Tires and RIMS - Free & Fast Shipping

We carry over one hundred of the best wheel and rim brands available on the market for all types of cars: Sedan, Sport, Luxury and SUV. You can be sure that we have the tire you are looking for.


Buy Cheap Tires

Sometimes you do run short of cash. Those are the situations when buying brand new tires seems too expensive! To deal with such situations, most people try very hard to find used and cheap tires. Purchasing discount and cheap tires can be a great choice as long as you know what to look for or buy and what to avoid. Here are some tips to consider for finding cheap tires for sale. Actually these tips are for making sure that you don't get ripped off by purchasing useless tires. Before buying any tire check to see if there are tiny cracks. These cracks appear as tires dry up too much. Check the tires' sidewalls and see if there is any scrapes or plugs from wherever it have gotten flat before. So when you're out to buy used tires, do tell the seller to submerge those into water. Keep your eyes open for bubbles.

1. Hit custom wheel stores finding used tires in decent conditions

These wheels shops are where people sell wheels in good condition - just because they decided to purchase a brand new 'cool' set. The majority of the wheels/tires sold are awfully 'okay' and they came in for the sake of replacement only.

2. Shop for bargain deals

In addition, auto-swap meets or auto flea markets happen to be great places for finding bargain deals of cheap tires. There are lots of tires or wheels out there for sale. You might also find additional car parts or accessories.

These sellers offer expert pieces of advice on auto maintenance as well. There are great chances of finding used tires in good shape if you check out those junkyards. Keep in mind that you've got to call a junkyard first to know if, by any chance, they've got used tires matching your requirements.

Nuno Ricardo
If you want to know more about cheap tires, visit http://www.budgettyres.org/articles/cheap-tires-for-sale


Discount Tires - Local Sources

Discount tires in no way are inferior to tires purchased for full price. There are in fact any number of reasons for tire prices to be lower than normal prices. Online discount tire stores have increased competition for sure. But buying tires for less even at local stores may be possible when using the internet for tire purchases. One of the huge advantages handed to tire buyers by internet discount tire dealers is the ability to quickly and easily make comparisons. Without spending time driving and talking on the phone, you can get all kinds of tire information right at your computer. Online only tire dealers provide all kinds of information including even test results and lots of tire buyer reviews, good and bad.

The online tire stores make it easy to buy and offer unbeatable selection and fast shipping. Those advantages are the core of online tire store businesses. Fail at any of those core issues and the business fails. But the local dealers play a role in every tire transaction.

See, the local tire stores do all the installations of all those tires purchased from online dealers. That works to the advantage of local dealers, since they get the installation business. But there's more.

The local tire dealers get a new customer in the door. That customer, you, may be in the market now or in the future for all the other products and services offered locally. So they get a new customer who may buy from them for years at literally no cost to them. This is a great deal for all concerned. There's even more.

Local tire dealers, especially the chains of stores, all have websites too. That means the tire customer has the option of searching all over the internet getting every kind of comparison information available and then coming right back to the local dealer site and buying right there.

Often it's an easy matter to order online for local delivery and installation and then just schedule the install and show up at the right time. That way you buy local with all the advantages to that, while still taking advantage of the information and lack of hassle of shopping and buying online.

Discount tires in no way imply inferior quality or anything else inferior. In fact, buying online may even still lead you to your local dealer right down the road. There are several ways to save money and hassle by shopping for tires online.

Al Bullington writes about his pickup truck and van projects. Check out his newest website about picking discount tires locations.

See our tips about finding Pirelli discount tires at our newest website.


Tire Maintenance and Tips

Sometimes even seasoned drivers forget how important it is to regularly check tires for maintenance and repair. Good tires provide stability to a vehicle and, most importantly, make it drivable. Tires that are not well cared for can become a driving hazard over time, putting the driver and passengers at risk of a blowout and possibly an accident. Your tires achieve optimal fuel performance and longevity with the right amount of air pressure. This means if you keep your tires properly inflated, you will: spend less on fuel, avoid accidents caused by premature tire failure and buy fewer tires.

Inflation Tips
Visually inspect your tires every time you get in your vehicle. Check your tire pressure at least once a month and before every long trip. Be sure to check your tires when they’re cold (i.e., before they have been driven a mile).

The correct air pressure is shown on the tire placard (or sticker) attached to the vehicle door edge, doorpost, glove box door, or fuel door. If your vehicle doesn't have a placard, check the owner's manual or consult with the vehicle manufacturer, tire manufacturer, or your local tire dealer for the proper inflation.

Spend Less on Fuel
Maintaining the correct tire pressure improves vehicle fuel economy and gives you more miles per gallon (mpg). This means gas money that stays in your pocket. Think of it this way. For every 2.96 pounds per square inch (psi) your tires are under-inflated, you lose 1 percent in the number of miles you get per gallon. Furthermore, the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found in a nationwide survey that vehicle tires were, on the average, under-inflated by 10-11 psi, reducing miles per gallon by as much as 3.72 percent!

As an added bonus, maintaining proper inflation on your tires conserves precious resources and reduces the amount of pollutants emitted to our environment since less fuel is burned.

Avoid Accidents
Under-inflation or overloading of tires may result in rapid or uneven tread wear. This could cause excessive heat buildup and possible tire failure, which may result in an accident causing vehicle damage and/or injury or even death.

Buy Fewer Tires
Well maintained tires last longer, which saves you money and sends fewer tires into the waste stream. The following tips can help you maximize the life of your tires.

Maintain Proper Pressure. In its nationwide survey, the NHTSA also found that tires lose about 1.78 percent of their tread life for each psi the tire is under-inflated. Therefore tires under-inflated by 10 psi lose about 17.8 percent of their life miles potential.

Balance Your Tires. An unbalanced wheel and tire assembly may create an annoying vibration when you drive on a smooth road and may result in irregular tread wear.

Keep Your Tires Aligned. Misalignment of wheels in the front or rear, bent wheels, worn bushings, and other mechanical problems cause uneven and rapid tread wear and should be corrected by a qualified mechanic. These systems should be checked periodically as specified by the vehicle owner's manual or whenever you have an indication of trouble.

Rotate Your Tires Regularly. The purpose of regularly rotating tires is to achieve more uniform wear for all tires on a vehicle. Tires should be rotated approximately every 6,000 miles, or sooner if signs of irregular or uneven tire wear appear. If your tires show uneven wear, ask your tire dealer to check for and correct any misalignment, imbalance or other mechanical problem involved before rotation.

How to Check and Adjust Your Tire’s Pressure
  • After you remove the valve cap, firmly press a tire gauge onto the valve.
  • Add air to achieve the recommended air pressure.
  • If your tire is above the recommended tire pressure or you accidentally overfill it, release air by pushing on the metal stem in the center of the valve with the tire gauge tool, a fingernail, or the tip of a pen. Recheck the pressure until it’s right.
  • Replace the valve cap when you’re done.
  • Repeat with each tire, and don’t forget the spare. You’ll be glad you checked the spare if you get a flat tire in the "middle of nowhere"!
  • While you’re checking the pressure, take a moment to give your tires a good inspection. Listen for leaks, check tread wear, check for nails or other objects embedded in the tires, look for cuts or gouges, uneven wear, bulges, tread separation, and other irregularitie


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